Archive: 2018

New work

Here are three pieces of the new work. One starting point was an image by Cy Twombly which led to the red vegetation/plant like piece. I’ve become interested in the juxtaposition of something organic with a non organic geometric shape – the representation of a 3D object in 2D and how this confounds the image […]

intaglio/mono hybrid

I have now made 6 or 7 new prints on Somerset paper using a technique that uses 1mm pvc sheeting. I am cutting the plastic into shapes to describe the design. Pieces have drypoint or carborundum added and are then inked relief or intaglio or both. The jigsaw is then reassembled on the press and […]

DEPW exhibition at RAMM marks 21 years

Double Elephant is 21 years old. Established in 1996, we mark this with a group show at Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum. 35 members are showing  75 prints. I gave a speech on the opening night and it feels great to have achieved this for Exeter – very proud of us for keeping going through […]