The welcome sign for Fielding ward has been delivered and installed – so fits well in the space and links well with the other prints I made for the entrance corridor, quiet room and on the ward itself. It’s been great to be involved with Art for Life and to see an integrated project for […]
Today in Double Elephant to print a sign for the newly developed and re-designed entrance on Fielding Ward at Musgrove Park hospital in Taunton. I rolled the green to blue background straight onto the paper (I’d intended to print a graded colour but couldn’t find a plate large enough) then made a photo screen from […]
Finally, after a long blog absence, the finished work for Eliot and Fielding wards at Taunton’s Musgrove Park Hospital. This coincides with an exhibition of the ‘Forget Everything’ prints which come from Franklyn Hospital – see earlier posts. The new work for the hospital is on the theme of Butterflies and Moths making an oblique […]
Started on the background images for the framed work at Musgrove Park…looks a bit rough but the essence in this is layers – these caterpillar and butterfly drawings will make a coloured backdrop in the frames over which will lie all sorts of references and images of moths and butterflies. To be continued…
To Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton for a new project making work with patients and also for the walls in Eliot and Fielding Wards. It’s an “Art for Life” project – and links up with an exhibition of my Franklyn Hospital prints from March 20th. I will be working with mostly elderly patients and […]