Food Glorious Food

Double Elephant Print Workshop has recently completed a third residency at Franklyn House Hospital in Exeter. This time we worked on images that focussed on food and healthy eating – the designs were later printed onto foamex and displayed in the dining area. The designs started with a basic drawing that illustrated a poem or song and then we used simple printed motifs – such as vegetables and fruit to fill in areas of the picture. Participants made the motifs using cut foam and card. We then coloured in the pictures with paints. With all our workshops at Franklyn we find that patients arrive in an uncertain and often nervous state – not sure what they are coming to. Very quickly though a group activity such as painting and print we find everyone is chatting and joining in, in a common endeavour. Sometimes our themes triggered memories of childhood songs and games leading to laughter and sometimes tears. Our inspiration were songs such as “Chick, chick chicken lay a little egg for me” and Tea for two”